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Book Online Group Sessions

The group sessions will be on a break from August until approximately October. Make sure to subscribe to the newsletter or join the Telegram channel to receive updates on when they’ll be back.

You can find a detailed description of each event in the event details. If an event is not bookable, it means it is booked up. Please try the next one. There are always bookable events available.

Time Zones: The time of the group sessions is displayed in CEST (Central European Summer Time/Austria-Vienna). If you are in a different time zone, please ensure that you join at the correct time. You find converted time zones in the event description. 


Time Converter: if you need a time converter, click here.

Recording of Group Sessions: Please note that the Group Sessions will be recorded for documentation purposes and shared with the participants. These recordings may also be utilized for various purposes such as inclusion in online libraries, creation of YouTube content, or short clips. While your face will not be shown in the videos, please be aware that if you speak during the session, your voice may be captured in the recordings. Your participation implies consent to the recording and potential use of the content as described. If you have any concerns regarding this, please contact us prior to the session.

Cancellation Policy: If you can’t make it to a session, no refund is possible. However, I will send you the recording. You will receive the healing and transmission during the session, even if you are not attending, and also while watching the video.

Please read the Disclaimer before booking a session.

Upcoming Events

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